Monitoring and Evaluation system for development and humanitarian projects
5 - 7 AUG 2024
What is robust Monitoring and Evaluation system?
The “Monitoring and Evaluation” We use the term monitoring to mean the “routine collection of information” that will help us understand how we are progressing in terms of the results of our work. We use the term evaluation to mean “periodic assessments in order to incorporate lessons into decision making and future programming”. Monitoring and Evaluation, while separate processes, complement each other as information gathered during the monitoring process is used to inform evaluations and learning.
Systematic and robust monitoring and evaluation (M&E) depends on coherent program design.
Programs which are coherent have sound internal logic which articulates what changes the
Program intends to achieve and how it expects to do so. Sound M&E systems are critical for
Helping organizations understand to what extent they have achieved what they intended to achieve.
As a building block for the development of an M&E system, program logic is often synthesized
Into a results framework and an associated set of indicators for tracking progress using various
Approaches to defining results and developing indicators.
What are the take away?
At the end of this training participants will leave with the following:
- Understanding of the basic concepts of Monitoring and evaluation for different programs and projects
- The Knowledge and the practice of the monitoring and evaluation system and result based management system
- Understand the steps of developing problem tree objective tree, result chain and theory of change.
- The application and in depth understanding developing and selecting performance indicators. Hands-on expertise and practical examples
- Get the knowledge of preparing Assumptions, Risks, Indicator Grouping And Output Monitoring Tools.
- Equip the with the knowledge and process for creating logical frame work for the projects
- Gain full knowledge on developing M and E plan for projects
- In depth understanding of basic types of data for Monitoring and evaluation as well as methods tools and techniques for data collection.
- Acquire necessary tools and templates for generating Monitoring and evaluation reports
- Certificate of participation
Course Duration: 3 Days
What is the content of 3 Day Training?
The cost will be submitted through quotation
Day 1
Session 1: What is Monitoring & Evaluation in Program?
- Introduction to Monitoring and evaluation, different perspectives of Monitoring and evaluation according to differences and similarities
Session 2: Result based management
- Over view of result based management principles and important components including problem tree objective tree and theory of change
- Result based management contexts according to EU, USAID and UN.
Session 4: Results Frameworks
- Differentiation, Articulating and constructing Theory of change, result frame work, Theory of change, result frame work and Theory of change, result frame work and Theory of change, result frame work and
Session 5: Developing logical framework (log frame) for the project
- What is log frame? Key components of log frame vertical and horizontal logics
- Selecting smart indicators for impact, outcomes, and outputs.
- Session 5: Key Messages of Day 2 and Evaluation and group case problem assignment
Day 2
Session 6: Formulation of log frame
- What are the contents mandatory in log frame matrix,
- Preparing risks and assumption using zigzag lag
- Complete logical framework for the project
Session 7: Prepare activities plan for each result or output
- Importance of preparing activities in a realistic way by following predefined standard verbs.
Session 9: Design and formulate M and E plan/Framework
- What is the structure of M and E plan? Why is it important for the project?
- Standard components of M and E plan matrix
- Monitoring and evaluation plan roles and responsibilities
- Day 2 assignments
Session 10: Data collection methods for M and E
- What are the types of data for M and E?
- Data types, collection and frequency for monitoring activities and outputs (performance monitoring)
- Data types and collection and frequency for evaluation of outputs, outcomes and impact.
- Features and contents of periodic monitoring reports
- Session 11: Monitoring reports.
- What is frequency of conducting monitoring practice?
- Collecting and storing monitoring data
- Group case task evaluation and peer review
Day 3
- Validation and auditing of monitoring data and database features for monitoring data
- Monitoring report templates for the project
- Session 12: Data collection for evaluation practices.
- Types of data for evaluation of project outcomes and impact indicators
- Base line survey data collection methods
- Evaluation/end line survey data collection
- Evaluation survey administration basics
- Random and none random sampling procedures
- Types of data analysis, statistical models and interpretation for evaluation of project outputs, outcomes, objectives and impact.
- Documentation of good practices (success stories)
- Structure and contents of evaluation report
- Peer review group M and E plan document and evaluation of best group work.
How do I register?
- Call 063 4222191 || 065 7555549 to register
- You can register online through
- You can also register by coming to HASI Consulting Office at1st Street, Burj Omaar Building, 3nd Floor, Room 301 & 302, Hargeisa., Hargeisa, Somalia